Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Morning Donuts

This morning Tim made donuts for all of us.  The kids loved them!  We have really enjoyed having Daddy home this past week!

Wild Game- Hockey

On Sunday we went to our first Wild Hockey game.  The girls won tickets at school for their reading program in December.  The kids were so well behaved during the game.  TJ watched the game in his own sit.  He is such a big boy. 

Christmas with the Petersen Family

Saturday morning Tim's family came down to celebrate Christmas with us.  We all had a wonderful time visiting with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Mike, Aunt Stephanie and Emily.  Tim made a nice dinner and awesome desserts.  He is a great husband and is always working hard for us.  The kids loved all their presents.  Thank you all for coming down and spending the day with us.  Thank you for all the presents. 


We had a wonderful Christmas.  The kids loved opening all their presents from Santa.  TJ really enjoyed opening all the presents. He was so cute.  Hannah took her time this year.  She stacked all her presents up before she opened them.  Ava watched her brother before she started opening her presents.  She always cares about her little brother. 

That evening we all went to Jolly of Lights to look at the light display.  The kids really enjoyed looking at the lights. Here are some fun pictures.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve

We went to church last night for the Holiday service at Hope (Coming Home).  It was a candle light service.  I am so glad we started attending church at Hope.  I really enjoy going and miss it when we can't go.  After the service we went over to our friends house.  We had a good time and enjoyed dinner together.  Thank you Kerry and Eric for having us over.  We also made sure to feed the reindeer to help guide Santa to our house.  Merry Christmas!

Christmas in Kansas City with Aunt LeeAnn

On Monday morning we drove to KC to see my cousins, Aunt LeeAnn and Uncle Larry!  We went to lunch at our favorite place Fun House Pizza.  The pizza is so good.  It was so good to see Aunt LeeAnn, Uncle Larry and Emily.  Sarah had to work.  We really missed her.  Here are some fun pictures from our day.  Thanks for a great visit Aunt LeeAnn!

Stephanie's Birthday and Christmas at my Parents

On Sunday Tim made pancakes for everyone!  Then we went to the bowling alley to bowl with friends.  It was so good to see Liz and Rachel!  The kids loved bowling.

After bowling we celebrated Christmas with my parents.  We had a very nice dinner!  We all opened presents together.  The girls loved their Disney Frozen dolls, dresses and books.  TJ got two trackers, John Deere backpack and book.  They also each got a new movie and lots of candy. 

Thank you Mom and Dad for a wonderful day and dinner!  We love you! 

  TJ had a hard time waiting his turn.  He wanted to bowl for everyone. LOL

Ava is helping TJ! SO CUTE!