Sunday, December 27, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

We would like to wish our family and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are so blessed! 

We had a wonderful Christmas morning opening up presents with the kids. Hannah was so excited she woke up at 4:30 in the morning. Tim watched a Christmas movie with her until everyone got up. Ava was the last one to wake up at 7:30. The kids had a blast opening up all their presents. I love watching them! 

We made it to Kansas City by noon on Christmas Day! Wow! It was awesome to see my family! My grandpa, cousin Taylor, parents, Aunt LeeAnn, Uncle Lary, Sarah and Emily were all there. That hasn't happened in four year. It was such a blessing to spend Christmas Day with all my family. 
Thank you Aunt LeeAnn for hosting and cooking such a nice dinner. The steaks were amazing! 
My Mom's side- Burton's 

The Goodin's with Papa Burton 

So sweet! The kids with their Great Papa 
Thank you Aunt LeeAnn for the nice gifts! They loved them! 

Taylor playing with TJ!
So sweet! 

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