Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Meet the Teacher Night

Monday evening we all went to Meet the Teacher night. We started out in TJ's classroom. We completed several activities and TJ painted a frog. He really liked his locker. He wouldn't take a picture with Mrs. Erin maybe the first day of school. 

Next we went right next door to Ava's Kindergarten classroom. So cool!
Ava was very shy towards her teacher. Ava loved doing all the activities in the classroom. She had this classroom for 3 year old preschool with Ms. Amanda. Very cool she has the same classroom again. I am hoping to get a picture with her teacher tomorrow morning!

Last we went down the hall to Hannah's second grade classroom. Hannah looked like a pro doing all the activities. Hannah really liked her desk and getting to keep all of her school supplies in her desk. Hannah took a picture with Mrs. Knudsen! 

All three teachers were so nice! We also stopped by Mrs. Ford's classroom to give her a hug! What a wonderful evening! 

Walking into the school together! Wow! They look so big!

Everyone helping TJ with his art project!

Photo Booth in TJ's classroom so fun!

Ava at her table! 

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